Our Church is a family

This is our calling

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Worry Ends When Faith Begins. The Magnificent Story of a Life-Changing Journey to God.

Gospel Centrality

Worry Ends When Faith Begins. The Magnificent Story of a Life-Changing Journey to God.


Worry Ends When Faith Begins. The Magnificent Story of a Life-Changing Journey to God.

Nurturing faith through all ages.

Join Us
What we care about

Our Vision

We want to be a community that is most excited about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Loving Christ and loving each other leads us to reach out in love to those around us.
We believe that the church is going to have a strategic influence in our culture
We are committed to passing down our mission, vision and values to the next generation

This month's Support & care package for children in need

Raised: 18,875$
Goal: 20,000$

Our common creed is our belief in the Bible, our deep faith in Jesus Christ, and our acceptance of the unconditional love of God.